
When I start to tell a story I normally start it with “So…” And I wasn’t aware of it until I did an internship in New York. When my manager would have to call a client from Missouri for a meeting he would get himself all set up with plenty to do during the meeting. He said we tend to talk slow and drag out words and start everything thing with ‘”So…’”. So I became aware of this habit so thought why not embrace it. Each of my blogs are like a story I would tell a friend so I would only seemed fitting I started it with “So…”.
Okay SO here goes…
My name is Jessica and I’m a fat girl. This blog will be about my struggle with my inner fat girl as I try to be a fit girl. I have struggled with my weight for a few years and this blog is a glimpse into my daily battles with myself, fitness, and food.
Bear with me through this process, as I will have slip ups and typos but I never claimed to be a fitness professional or a writer.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Wedding planning! Work! and Workouts! Hardly time to blog, let alone really edit, so please forgive me. 

Holidays are really cutting into my workouts and I do not like it!!

I totally had all intentions of working out on Monday, Christmas Eve’s Eve (the day before Christmas Eve). With wedding planning and working out, Christmas snuck up on me popped out and screamed BOO. Like it was friggin Halloween. Not cool Christmas not cool. Christmas Eve’s Eve we were driving out to the Legends for last minute shopping and quality fiancé and soon to be sister-in-law bonding time. We did sprint in the frigid cold through all of the Legends looking for Topsy’s Popcorn to get Popcorn for my dad.  Seriously who moves Topsey’s to the other end of an outdoor shopping area. That counts for a little. To add injury to insult, lol, I fell in a pothole in Kohls parking lot. Its like I just dropped down 8 inches. My lower back over a week later is still messed up. I spent Christmas Eve on a heating pad.

Tuesday was Christmas Eve and we had a 8:30am workout scheduled. Thank the fitness gods because this girl needed to workout. I was so excited I was able to get my workout in. It set my day up to be health focused going into Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve was at my parent’s house with my grandparents. Let’s call this Christmas One.

We didn't have a workout on Christmas. This was Christmas Two and at my Fiancé’s parents house. I didn't do as well with my nutrition that day. I really think having a workout makes you more focused.
Thursday does not have a night workout, only a morning workout. So no workout on Thursday. L I worked on wedding stuff and I didn't work out. Really takes Fit By Burn having a workout to get me to workout sometimes. Self motivating at home is challenging when everything I have to do is staring at me reminding me of the other aspects of my life I have let down.

I was feeling awful thinking I might only get one workout in all week. Friday I was able to make the workout. Fridays workout was touuuugh. Mendy looked at me and said lets weigh you. Oh heck no. she said jump on the scale. Nope. She said what were you not good? I said I ate chocolate this week. She said just do it! I walked in there preparing to have to come out and laugh off and smile through a gain. I knew I was going to have to face it. I had been struggling to lose weight lately. I don’t want to say the P word (plateau). I feel that can become an excuse.  I walked in stepped on and looked and looked again. I walked out and told Mendy you need to come look at it. She said what you can’t look. I said you just need to come look at it. She walked in. I stepped on. Then mouths dropped open. Hands in air and hug! I had been banging my head against 190 bouncing around 192 and 193 for awhile. Okay now that sounds awful to probably most of you reading this. 190 I know football players weigh that. I can’t believe I am posting that. Heck on the New Years Eve Challenge on the Today Show the two women started at 170s and the man started at 190.  Way to weigh more than people who don’t eat well and don’t workout and are starting their first fitness challenge Jessica. Oh well 190 was my weight after being 216. But on this day, after my first workout since Christmas… I was 187. I lost 5 pounds over Christmas! I had lost 29 pounds total.

And then I made the workout again Saturday morning. Saturday morning at 7am. It was so hard to get up. I couldn't tell you the last time I went to bed before midnight. Or the last time I slept in after 7am. I average about 5.5 hours of sleep a night. Saturday I just wanted to sleep in so bad. But I made it in.
Three workouts wasn't horrible for a week with two Holiday days.  But I was getting nervous for this week. New Years. Saturday I asked if we had class Tuesday/New Year’s Eve or Wednesday/New Years .  They said no. I was so bummed. I said ouch night workout girls only have one workout next week. (The Daily Burn class has morning workouts M, T, W, TH, Fri.  Night girls have M, T, W night. There are also Saturday Morning workouts. ) They had a morning class on New Year’s Eve but I had work. Then hallelujah! It was decided to have Wednesday class at 6:30pm.

I knew I had to make Monday’s class. As if Mondays aren't bad enough let’s make them leg days!

New Year’s Eve I had to work and I did not drink at all!

New Years Day we celebrated my fiancés birthday. We went to lunch at BD’s Mongolian BBQ. Meat and veggies. Not too bad. Then oh crap the snow started. I felt like I had to go. I pushed for a Wednesday workout. My little two door car braved the snow and idiots in large vehicles. There were 5 of us! YAY US! Then got home in time for the snow to keep piling up. Here is to starting off the New Year with a workout!