
When I start to tell a story I normally start it with “So…” And I wasn’t aware of it until I did an internship in New York. When my manager would have to call a client from Missouri for a meeting he would get himself all set up with plenty to do during the meeting. He said we tend to talk slow and drag out words and start everything thing with ‘”So…’”. So I became aware of this habit so thought why not embrace it. Each of my blogs are like a story I would tell a friend so I would only seemed fitting I started it with “So…”.
Okay SO here goes…
My name is Jessica and I’m a fat girl. This blog will be about my struggle with my inner fat girl as I try to be a fit girl. I have struggled with my weight for a few years and this blog is a glimpse into my daily battles with myself, fitness, and food.
Bear with me through this process, as I will have slip ups and typos but I never claimed to be a fitness professional or a writer.

Monday, September 16, 2013

So... When to work out?

Everyone has their struggles working out. Everyone is busy. If working out was easy and convenient we would all be skinny. You have to figure out what works for you. How you can fit it in your life.
I am so jealous of all the people who can work out in the morning and get ready for work really fast. I get up at 6am to get ready for work. I use to get up at 4:30am and be at bootcamp by 5:15am. I was always late to work because I wouldn’t get home till 6:40am. I would be late to work and then by 2:00/3:00 just not be there mentally. I was scared I was forgetting things and would make a mistake at work.

Those of you in a corporate setting understand where I am coming from too that if you get there at 8am and take a lunch and leave at 5 you are perceived as doing the bare minimum. If I came to work with no makeup and hair on top of my head it would be viewed as I didn’t care. People would ask me if I was sick. People who stay late are viewed as working hard. It is a social pressure in the corporate world. It’s just how it is. So coming into work or leaving early for a workout doesn’t look really good. Plus I have work to do.Being busy at work is good too. If I had nothing to do I would be worried about my job.

I am jealous of those who get to work out at work. My only workout equipment at work is walking to the bathroom or to reception and carrying packages. There is no workout facility. There is no shower. So if you go run during lunch you will be a sweaty mess the rest of the day. Lately my lunches have been a protein shake at my desk while working. I am not complaining about my job. I love doing events and enjoy the people I work with. Fitting my workout in at work is just not an option for me that’s all.

So I started working out at night. But night has its own challenges. Scheduling out my workouts is difficult. I could work late every night. Tonight I only stayed until 5:30 and came home and changed clothes and was there just in time for my workout. Then I got home at 8pm. Still have to shower and fix something for dinner. I am unfortunately not one of those people who can shower at night and then not need to shower in the morning. Night workouts can easily be pushed aside for work, work events, organization commitments, family obligations, wedding planning, my direct sales business…
Then I need to find time for my fiancĂ©. I have neglected our relationship by working all the time before and never saw him even though being in the same house. I cannot do that again. Then being a 20 something professional without kids there are friendships to maintain, dinners, happy hours, client lunches, weddings, birthdays, bachelorette parties, football games... that can easily get you off track. Then try and sprinkle in going to the bank, post office, house work, grocery shopping, Dr appointments… I can tell you right now there are light bulbs burned out in my house, laundry that needs to be done, paper work to go through, rooms to be cleaned, we are completely out of zip lock bags, things I cannot find and other house items… But those just aren’t making the priority list.

So any night I make it to my night workout I view as a personal victory but there is a sacrifice being made somewhere else. A sacrifice I hope continues to pay off. I have only lost 12 pounds. But it is better than nothing. It can get frustrating when you make sacrifices and don’t see any immediate results. You have to motivate yourself to keep going even though it isn’t easy. 

I wish luck to those of you trying to fit a healthier life style in their life. 

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