
When I start to tell a story I normally start it with “So…” And I wasn’t aware of it until I did an internship in New York. When my manager would have to call a client from Missouri for a meeting he would get himself all set up with plenty to do during the meeting. He said we tend to talk slow and drag out words and start everything thing with ‘”So…’”. So I became aware of this habit so thought why not embrace it. Each of my blogs are like a story I would tell a friend so I would only seemed fitting I started it with “So…”.
Okay SO here goes…
My name is Jessica and I’m a fat girl. This blog will be about my struggle with my inner fat girl as I try to be a fit girl. I have struggled with my weight for a few years and this blog is a glimpse into my daily battles with myself, fitness, and food.
Bear with me through this process, as I will have slip ups and typos but I never claimed to be a fitness professional or a writer.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

So not fair!

I work in an office building that is above an open air shopping district, so being officially summer break there are many teens and college students walking around shopping. Yesterday I saw one guy walking with his girlfriend. He had cut off sleeves and walked as if he thought he was a body builder. But when I looked his arms were big, but no muscle definition. I’m not going to say he had fat arms but I am also not going to say they were anywhere close to muscular.  Only moments later I saw a group of three guys. Another cut off sleeve guy thinking he was all bad. But again no real muscles. Yes sirs your arms are not scrawny but no you are not showing off muscle. I have girls in my bootcamp with more muscular definition than you. Made me think how with size guys are viewed as muscular even if they aren’t. Um that doesn’t apply for girls. If I were to wear shorts people would think ah her thighs are big meaning muscular. Not they would say her thighs are big and she shouldn’t be wearing those shorts. Girls who have big arms who wear sleeveless are not viewed positively. But guys cut off their sleeves and celebrate their big arms. Today I actually wore short sleeves to work. A big step for me. Yes I am very self-conscious of my arms and normally wear sweaters over anything with short sleeves or sleeveless to cover my arms. Not fair boys not fair.
Here guys the video below will help you cut your sleeves off.

Another thing not fair. I have been busting my butt working out at fit by burn four times a week, counting calories, eating more often, drinking tons of water and gave up soda and I haven’t lost weight. My fiancĂ© on the other hand hasn’t started working out(yet*, still drinks 42 oz of soda a day, but eats a healthier dinner with me, has lost 19 lbs. Are you serious!!! Again I cry not fair, not fair!

*yet because of some reasons out of his control. He is hoping to start next week.

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