
When I start to tell a story I normally start it with “So…” And I wasn’t aware of it until I did an internship in New York. When my manager would have to call a client from Missouri for a meeting he would get himself all set up with plenty to do during the meeting. He said we tend to talk slow and drag out words and start everything thing with ‘”So…’”. So I became aware of this habit so thought why not embrace it. Each of my blogs are like a story I would tell a friend so I would only seemed fitting I started it with “So…”.
Okay SO here goes…
My name is Jessica and I’m a fat girl. This blog will be about my struggle with my inner fat girl as I try to be a fit girl. I have struggled with my weight for a few years and this blog is a glimpse into my daily battles with myself, fitness, and food.
Bear with me through this process, as I will have slip ups and typos but I never claimed to be a fitness professional or a writer.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

So... workout buddy?

Disclaimer! If rambling, bad grammar, and writing mistakes offend you, you better stop reading now..

The last few weeks have been… well crazy! Indescribable!

Last week I had something every single night and wasn’t able to work out.

My (soon to be) sister in law moved in on Sunday. We were roomies before my fiancé and I got engaged so it’s like a reunion. So Monday was our first work day as roomies again. She came upstairs from her room in shorts, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt. I was in yoga pants (even though I have never done yoga, not even once), a t-shirt and tennis shoes. She said she was going to go for a run. I said why don’t you just come workout with me. It is free your first time. I caught her in a moment of weakness and a moment where she didn’t have time to make an excuse. We filled up water bottles and rushed out the door. Anyone who knows me knows I am always running somewhere. I am not the most punctual person which is the opposite of my soon to be family. So the urgency probably played a factor that she really didn’t have time to think about it and decide. My punctuality is a flaw I know it. I like to cram so much stuff, obligations, events, tasks in that I can’t possibly do them all or do them on time. For example this Saturday I have three things going on. A wedding, a charity event, and a friend’s birthday and of course they all overlap and I can’t possible clone myself by then so I will be running around like an idiot. Okay Okay back to the topic of working out. This is a great example of how my need to overflow my day leads me to be forgetful and get sidetracked. But that is something great about working out at the gym. While I am there I have to focus on what I am doing. I am not distracted by the 800 emails on my phone (seriously I have over 800 I need to get to), the facebook messages, the direct business tasks, the organization responsibilities, work, social obligations, family obligation, chores, paperwork, shopping list….Instead it is me, the music, a mirror I try to avoid looking at, the dry erase board, some other ladies (depending on how many came that night) and a trainer. Yes I avoid the mirror. I normally stand where the dry erase board is front of me. One so that I can read the board (without glasses) and two that the board covers up my reflection from shoulders down. When looking in the mirror it is like one of these things is not like the other. And it is so easy to compare your bodies to others. Yes and the number of other ladies working out just depends on the night. Sometimes it is just me or one or two others. Oh yea back to my (soon to be) sister in law and us working out.


While in the car I was trying to describe the class format to her. That you come in and the board has the workout written on it. That there is normally some cardio as a warm-up and the cardio is then sprinkled in throughout the rest of the workout. The rest of the workout being strength training and normally ending with abs. That it is only girls and a cute gym. That compared to other bootcamp gyms it has a lot of equipment. Bosu balls, foam rollers, jump ropes, bands, TRX, barre, box for box jumps, exercise balls, different weights of medicine balls, free weights and kettle balls, stretching straps…She told me she has never done a class format. I explain that it is at your own pace and the trainer just comes around and helps you have good form and answers any questions or provides modifications. I think once she agreed she instantly started regretting it. I think it is a good value because a personal trainer at the gym is $40-$60 an hour. And I get a trainer to myself or with a few ladies for an hour with 4 class times a week for $98 a month.

We walk in the gym and the trainer says oh wow this is a really hard workout. That it is not a typical workout. Meaning not a good one for a guest to try. It was not at your own pace. There was no time or breath left for talking. And the trainer wanted to do my body fat %. So she had to get the equipment together for the workout herself. So I guess I should report on my body fat. I have lost 3% body fat. Which isn’t huge. But I did have the lake this summer and a lot of stress. So I then got to jump into the warm up (jump roping for 3 minutes). The workout was a series and variations of burpes, lunges, squats, mountain climbers, kettle balls… We would do each exercise in the series (like 3-4 )for 60 seconds and then 45 and then 30 or something like that. So say burpes for 60 seconds, mountain climbers for 60 seconds, squats with weights for 60 seconds, and then go through all again but 45 seconds and then all again for 30 and then rest 20 seconds. There wasn’t much talking but some choice words and us asking how much longer. How much longer was a justifiable question because the trainer would get distracted and forget and we would do it for like 120 seconds. LOL I guess extra credit. And cool down with abs.

But afterwards I think she really did like it. I think I might be able to get her to come to one a week. I want her to try a more normal one. Last night her and I we still feeling the burn. J

I will keep you updated on any % of body fat change or if I can con her into going with me again.


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